close up of hands with a sewing needle working on a quilt

MQG Guild Renewals and Mid-Year Assessment

Renewal Timeline

If your guild has a January – December membership year.


Review guild finances and budget. Look at the Guild Dues Rates and Tiers. Decide what your membership dues will be for the next year.


Announce next year’s dues amount at the October guild meeting.


Begin collecting dues for the next year.

On January 1, all guilds and their members go into “graced” status. During this renewal grace period, there is no interruption to members’ online access. Guilds and their members remain “graced” until the renewal dues are paid. Once the dues are paid, the guild’s status and that of all its members will update to “Active” and the expiration dates will update to December 31.


Most guilds have a renewal deadline for members sometime in January. Make sure to send plenty of reminders.


Most guilds have an unspoken “buffer” for late renewals after the deadline. Sending one final reminder before removing them from the roster.


The deadline to renew with the MQG is March 31. If the guild doesn’t renew by March 31, the guild and all of its guild members will lose MQG membership.

How to handle your membership roster during renewals

  1. Keep track of each member as they pay for the next year.
  2. Add new members to your MQG roster as soon as they pay their dues. Do not remove anyone until after your renewals are complete!
  3. At your internal renewal deadline, send one last reminder to any members who did not renew. Give them a hard deadline (for example, 1 week) to pay dues or lose membership.
  4. After that deadline remove any members from your roster who did not renew.
  5. Check the tier number on your guild’s invoice. If the number of members on your roster no longer falls within it, send an email to letting us know your guild has completed your internal renewals and you are ready for an updated invoice.

Top Tips and Resources for Renewals

  • Do not remove anyone until you are ready to renew with the MQG. It takes more time to add them back to your roster if you remove them. Since they are already in the membership database, you will need to email to have them added back to your roster.
  • Use a spreadsheet to keep track of who has renewed. If you do not already have a spreadsheet with all of your members on it, you can follow the instructions below to create one from your guild’s MQG roster.
  • Send multiple reminder emails and highlight both the things your local guild does or has planned for the next year and the MQG benefits included with a membership to your local guild. You can copy and paste the MQG benefits for your members into your reminder emails.

Your Guild’s Invoice

A renewal email will be sent to the guild’s contact email address on December 31 with a link to the membership invoice.

Things to pay attention to on the invoice
  • Membership Tier Level – This is the membership tier level that was accurate for your guild based on the number of member profiles linked to your account in December. ***
Things to ignore on the invoice
  • Due Date – the automatic due date is two weeks from invoice generation.
  • Member names or number of individuals – these are only a snapshot from mid-December and are not important. To see who is on your membership roster, go to My Profile, Organization, Org Members. Everyone listed there on your roster is an active member, anyone not listed is not.

The deadline for guilds to renew is March 31.

From January 1 -March 31 your guild and its members will be in “graced” status. There is no membership interruption during this time. The expiration date will be updated once the guild’s dues are paid.

*** Once you have concluded your guild’s internal renewals if your guild is in a different membership tier, let us know so that we can update your guild’s membership. Send us an email to — let us know your membership level has changed, and that you are ready for a new invoice.

To Pay The Guild’s Invoice

Open the invoice by clicking on the blue link in the renewal email. Scroll down and click on the gray Pay Invoice button. This will open the payment window for you to pay online.

You can also access your guild’s invoice from your My Profile page. Select My Organization from the menu bar. Click on the Member Invoices link in the menu. You will now see a list of all of your guild’s invoices. Click on the number of the invoice to open it and pay.

What to do if Your guild chooses not to renew

Email us at info@themodernquilt and let us know that your guild will not be renewing.

We will let you know anything your guild needs to do once its MQG membership has ended and send an email to all of your members letting them know how to join as an Individual Member if they want to continue their MQG membership.

Mid-year Membership Audit and Dues Assessment

Throughout the year, many new members join guilds, leading to an increase in the guild’s membership numbers. These additional members enjoy all of the benefits of the guild’s MQG membership and need to be accounted for. To ensure that each guild pays membership dues based on its true size, a mid-year membership audit and dues assessment is conducted in August. Guilds whose membership numbers place them in a higher tier than they renewed at in March will be sent an invoice reflecting the difference in amount, prorated at 50%. Invoices must be paid within 2 weeks of the invoice date.

Here are the already prorated amounts you can expect in August 2024.

U.S. based guilds:

  • A move from tier (10-15) to (16-25) = $66
  • Every tier level moved up from tier (16-25) to (251-275) = $99 per tier level
  • Every tier level moved up from tier (251-275) to (976-1000) = $150 per tier level

Non-U.S. based guilds:

  • A move from tier (10-15) to (16-25) = $43
  • Every tier level moved up from tier (16-25) to (251-275) = $65 per tier level
  • Every tier level moved up from tier (251-275) to (976-1000) = $98 per tier level

To Pay The Guild’s Invoice

Open the invoice by clicking on the blue link in the renewal email. Scroll down and click on the gray Pay Invoice button. This will open the payment window for you to pay online.

You can also access your guild’s invoice from your My Profile page. Select My Organization from the menu bar. Click on the Member Invoices link in the menu. You will now see a list of all of your guild’s invoices. Click on the number of the invoice to open it and pay.