Mary Marcotte I can remember sewing for the first time on my grandmother’s treadle. I pricked my finger and cried all afternoon. Soon I was making my own clothes and, when my firstborn outgrew his receiving blankets, I turned them into a quilt, and since then have made more quilts than I can remember. I happen to also be a teacher and taught high school English for 28 years. Retirement has inspired me to blend my quilting and teaching, and wow, do I love it! Let’s quilt and laugh and learn and oh-so-many-other verbs together! I teach in-person (when safe) and virtually. If you’re interested in a fun, humorous adventure into improv, email me at [email protected] Offerings include: Color in Quilting, In-person lecture, In-person trunk show, In-person workshop, Inspiration, Personal journey, Stash management, Technique – Improvisation, Technique – Modern Traditionalism, Virtual lecture, Virtual trunk show, virtual workshop [email protected]